Sunday, December 6, 2009


これものは ふるくて、つまらない本

オーフィスの先生のそとに ひりがなが あります

これものは あおくて、大聞くて、きれいです

サーバワイで クーキが あります。クーキは 小さくて、おいしいです。

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


今日、12/1/2009。According to the Wall Street Journal  (ワールスタリタジョーナル), The Bank of Japan  (日本のぎんこう) unveiled a monetary easing plan that could inject up to $115.7 billion into an economy facing deflation and a soaring currency. This injection of money is a plan of action to fight the global recession we are experiencing. 日本 has put up two straight quarters of economic growth and demand for their exports have grown, however consumer prices have dropped and the yen has weakened against the dollar, which scares many 日本人 officials.